A number of books have been placed on a bookshelf in the Turner Senior Resource Center to create a lending library. These are books that were originally in David Lawson’s personal collection.

Book Reviews
A Commentary on the Heart Sutra David’s Bookshelf gives us two titles to enjoy by Ken McLeod: “An Arrow to the Heart” and “Reflections on Silver River.” Be sure to crack open the pages and look into “Silver River.” It’s more approachable than the “Arrow.” If you begin to really enjoy McLeod’s innovative style, you…
David’s Bookshelf holds not just books bur some wonderful DVD’s. These offerings are right on the top surface of the bookshelf. As wintertime takes you indoors treat yourself to a dharma movie. There are many good choices here. Highly recommended is “Brilliant Moon — Dilgo Kyentse” Dilgo Kyentse Rimpoche was a marvelous Tibetan teacher…
As Linda Lawson continues to give us the great gift of David’s books, we have just received a lovely description of the Buddha’s life: “OLD PATH WHITE CLOUDS” by Thich Nhat Hanh Here is a thick book—500 pages—perfect for wintertime reading. It reads like a novel!! The author takes us by the hand and…
On the second shelf over to the right end you will find books about the great Hindu age, Ramana Maharshi, who kept addressing the question we all ask “Who Am I?” David considered the wisdom of this man some of his most important learnings. Pull up a chair near this shelf, look over some of these books…
- Abhayagiri Monastery, “Chanting Book”
- Analayo, “Perspectives on Satipatthana”
- Analayo, “Satipatthana Meditation: A Practice Guide”
- Analayo, “Satipatthana: A Direct Path to Realization”
- Analayo, “Mindfulness of Breathing”
- Analayo, “Rebirth in Early Buddhism and Current Research”
- Analayo, “Early Buddhist Meditation Studies”
- Analayo, “A Meditator’s Life of the Buddha”
- Analayo, “Compassion and Emptiness in Early Buddhhist Meditation”
- Analayo, “Early Buddhist Meditation Studies”
- Amaro and Pasanno, “The Island”
- Armstrong, Guy, “Emptiness”
- Armstrong, Karen, “Buddha”
- Bloom, Pamela, “Buddhist Acts of Compassion”
- Bhikkhu Bodhi, “In the Buddha’s Words”
- Bhikkhu Bodhi, translation, “The Suttanipata”
- Bhikkhu Bodhi, translation, “The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha”
- Bhikkhu Bodhi, translation, “The Numerical Discourses of the Buddha”
- Brahm, “Mindfulness, Bliss and Beyond”
- Brown, “Pointing Out the Great Way
- Buddhadasa Bikkhu, “Under the Bodhi Tree”
- Caplow and Moon, Editors, “The Hidden Lamp: Stories from Twenty Centuries of Awakened Women”
- Chah, Ajahn, “The Key to Liberation”
- Chang, “The Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa”
- Chodron, Pema, “The Places that Scare You”
- Chodron, Pema, “When Things Fall Apart”
- Chodron, Pema, “Start Where You Are”
- Dalai Lama and Thubten Chodron, “Buddhism”
- Dalai Lama, “Engaging Wisdom and Compassion” (two copies)
- Dalai, Lama, “Mind of Clear Light”
- Dalai Lama, “Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics, vol. 2, Mind”
- Dalai Lama, “An Open Heart”
- Defede, Jim, “The Day the World Came to Town”
- Dilgo Khyentse” “Enlightened Courage”
- Easwaran, Eknath, translator, “The Bhagavad Gita’
- Flickstein, Matthew, “Swallowing the River Ganges”
- Fryba, “The Art of Happiness”
- Fryba, Nyanaponika, “The Heart of Buddhist Meditation”
- Fryba, Mirko, “The Practice of Happiness”
- Gandhi, M. K. “The Way to God”
- Garfield, “The Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way”
- Gawain, Shakti, “Creative Visualization”
- Kenpo Gawang, “Your Mind is Your Teacher”
- Genoud, Charles, “Gestures of Awareness”
- Ghosananda, Maha, “Step By Step”
- Glassman, Bernie, “Bearing Witness”
- Goldstein, Joseph, “One Dhamma”
- Goldstein, Joseph and Kornfield, Jack, “Seeking the Heart of Wisdom”
- Goleman, Daniel, “The Meditative Mind”
- Gunaratana, Bhante, “Meditation on Perception”
- Hongzhi, Zen Master, “Cultivating the Empty Field”
- Hopkins, Jeffrey, “The Tantric Distinction”
- Huber, Cheri, “There is Nothing Wrong with You”
- Isherwood, Christopher, “How to Know God” — Pantanjali Yoga Sutra Aphorisms
- Jotiko, Ajahn Fuang, “Awareness Itself”
- Kapstein, “Reason’s Traces”
- Khema, Ayra, “Who is My Self?”
- Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche, “Pointing Out the Dharmakaya”
- Knaster, Mirka, “Living this Life Fully: Stories and Teachings of Munindra”
- Kongtrul, Jamgon, “The Great Path of Awakening”
- Kornfield, Jack and Breiter, Paul, “A Still Forest Pool”
- Kornfield, Jack, “Living Dharma”
- Kornfield, Jack, “A Path with Heart”
- Lamrimpa, Gen, “Realizing Emptiness”
- Levine, Stephen, “A Year to Live”
- Levine, Stephen, “Who Dies?”
- Lief, Judith, “Making Friends with Death”
- Maitland, Arnaud, “Living Without Regret”
- McLeod, Ken, “An Arrow to the Heart”
- McLeod, Ken, “Reflections on Silver River”
- Mipham, Sakyong, “Ruling Your World”
- Morinaga, Soko, “The Ceasing of Notions”
- Mukerjee, Dada, “By His Grace”
- Mullen, Glenn, “Gems of Wisdom from the Seventh Dalai Lama”
- Nairn, Rob, “Living Dreaming Dying”
- Namgyal, Dakpo Tashi, “Mahamudra – The Moonlight – Quintessence of Mind and Meditation”
- Namkhai Norbu, “Dream Yoga and the Practice of Natural Light” – (two copies)
- Nanamoli, Bhikku, “The Life of the Buddha”
- Nanasampajanno, Acariya Maha Boowa “Venerable Acariya Mun: Bhuridatta Thera”
- Godman, David, “Be As You Are – The Teachings of Shri Ramana Maharshi”
- Osborne, Arthur, “Spiritual Teaching of Ramana Maharshi”
- Osborne, Arthur, “The Collected Works of Ramana Maharshi”
- Osborne, Arthur, “The Essential Teachings of Ramana Marharshi: A Visual Journey”
- Osborne, Arthur, “For Those with Little Dust”
- Osborne, Arthur, “Ramana Maharshi”
- Packer, Toni, “The Works of this Moment”
- Padmasambhava, “Natural Liberation”
- Paine, Jeffrey, “Re-Enchantment”
- Patrul Rimpoche, “The Words of My Perfect Teacher”
- Pine, Red, “The Platform Sutta: The Zen Teaching of Hue-Neng”
- Pine, Red, “The Diamond Sutra”
- Ram Dass, compilation, “Miracle of Love”
- Ricard and Thuan, “The Quantum and the Lotus”
- Ricard and Revel, “The Monk and the Philosopher”
- Robbins, James, “Build a Better Budd
- Rosenberg, Larry, “Living in the Light of Death”
- Sachs, Robert, “Rebirth into Pure Lan
- Sogyal Rimpoche “The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying”
- Sucitto Bhikkhu, “The Dawn of the Dhamma”
- Swami Sivananda Radha, “Divine Light Invocation”
- Thera, Nyamaponika, “The Vision of Dhamma”
- Thera, Nyamaponika, “The Four Sublime States”
- Thera, Nyamaponika, “The Heart if Buddhist Meditation”
- Thich Nhat Hanh, “The Blooming of a Lotus”
- Thich Nhat Hanh, “The Heart of Understanding”
- Thurman, Robert, “The Tibetan Book of the Dead”
- Chogyam Trungpa, “The Path of Individual Liberation”
- Chogyam Trungpa, “The Collected Works”
- Chogyam Trungpa, “The Tantric Path of Indestructible Wakefulness”
- Verghese, Abraham, “My Own Country: A Doctor’s Story”
- Wallace, Alan, “Buddhism with an Attitude”
- Wenger, Michael, editor, “Wind Bell”
- Wilbur, Ken, “The Essential Ken Wilber”
- Wilbur, Ken, “No Boundary”
- Yen, Chan Master Sheng, “The Method of No Method”
- Aitken, Robert, “The Dragon Who Never Sleeps”
- Bly, Robert, “The Soul is Here for its Own Joy”
- Bly, Robert, “The Kabir Book”
- Bobin, Christian, “The Secret of Francis of Assisi”
- Byron, “The Heart of Awareness”
- Cohen, Leonard, “The Flame”
- Cohen, Leonard, “Beautiful Losers”
- Cohen, Leonard, “Book of Longing”
- Eliot, T. S., “Four Quartets”
- Hafiz, “The Subject Tonight is Love”
- Hafiz, “I Heard God Laughing”
- Merton, Thomas, “The Way of Chuang Tzu”
- Nepo, Mark, “Reduced to Joy”
- Snyder, “Snyder, Gary, “Left Out in the Rain”
- Weingast, Matty, “The First Free Women: Poems of the Early Buddhist Nuns”
(listed alphabetically by title)
- “Brilliant Moon – Dilgo Kyentse”
- “Koyaanisgatsi: Life Out of Balance”n — Directed by Godfrey Reggio, Music by Phillip Glass
- “Milarepa/Magician, Murderer, Saint” — A Film by Neten Chokling
- “Prajna Earth/ Journey into Sacred Nature” — Narrated by Sharon Stoe, Direct Pictures, Sacred Journe
- “Teachings on Milarepa”—Shining Moon Productions
- “The Four Dharmas of Campopa” – by Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche
- “The Lion’s Roar” – Portrait of the 16th Century Gyalwa Karmapa
- “The Tibetan Book of the Dead / A Way of Life. The Great Liberation” – Narrated by Leonard Cohen
- “The Yogis of Tibet: A Film for Posterity” — Jehn Films
- “Vajra Sky Over Tibet” – Direct Pictures, Sacred Journey 3
- “Voices of Truth / Twenty-First Century Mystics Share Their Vision for World Peace” – Executive Producer: Matthew Flickstein, Co-Producer: Carol Flickstein. Director/DP: Eric Temple
- “With One Voice / Awaken to the Reality that Unites Us All” — Forest Way Productions, Matthew Flickstein and friends