Category: Book Reviews

  • An Arrow to the Heart

    A Commentary on the Heart Sutra David’s Bookshelf gives us two titles to enjoy by Ken McLeod: “An Arrow to the Heart” and “Reflections on Silver River.” Be sure to crack open the pages and look into “Silver River.” It’s more approachable than the “Arrow.” If you begin to really enjoy McLeod’s innovative style, you…

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  • DVDs

    David’s Bookshelf holds not just books bur some wonderful DVD’s.  These offerings are right on the top surface of the bookshelf.   As wintertime takes you indoors treat yourself to a dharma movie. There are many good choices here. Highly recommended is  “Brilliant Moon — Dilgo Kyentse” Dilgo Kyentse Rimpoche was a marvelous Tibetan teacher…

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  • Old Path White Clouds

    As Linda Lawson continues to give us the great gift of David’s books, we have just received a lovely  description of the Buddha’s life:   “OLD PATH WHITE CLOUDS” by Thich Nhat Hanh Here is a thick book—500 pages—perfect for wintertime reading.   It reads like a novel!! The author takes us by the hand and…

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  • Ramana Maharshi

    On the second shelf over to the right end you will find  books about the great Hindu age, Ramana Maharshi, who kept addressing the question we all ask “Who Am I?”  David considered the wisdom of this man some of his most important learnings.  Pull up a chair near this shelf, look over some of these books…

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