A Commentary on the Heart Sutra
David’s Bookshelf gives us two titles to enjoy by Ken McLeod: “An Arrow to the Heart” and “Reflections on Silver River.” Be sure to crack open the pages and look into “Silver River.” It’s more approachable than the “Arrow.” If you begin to really enjoy McLeod’s innovative style, you might also want to search out his classic “Wake Up to Your Life” and dig into that one. (Sorry we don’t have it on our shelf.)
But since it’s February, why not take on this arrow to the heart. It might prove to be your own quirky dharma Valentine.
Form is emptiness
Emptiness is form
Emptiness is not other than form
Form is not other than emptiness.
If these time-honored phrases have perplexed you, this book can help you out. Follow the author’s advice and read only a few pages at a time. It will take some reflection to find your own responses to both the poetic words, the drawings and the commentaries. Here is a very contemporary and creative author for you.
Emptiness frees us from concerns about who we are, what others may think, or what should do or not do. At the same time, it brings a clarity that enables us to know what to do, moment by moment, to respond to the suffering and struggles of the world.
Ken McLeod
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