Coummunity Meeting Minutes for June 30

Coummunity Meeting Minutes for June 30

Still Mountain Buddhist Meditation Center
Community Meeting Agenda
June 30, 2024
  • The Board Report – Yair
  • Board Monthly Meeting – The board’s monthly meetings are taking place on the first Sunday of the month, at Turner, after the weekly sitting and sharing.
  • Limiting the number of mails from Still Announce – Put in place a process of one mail per week plus the reminder of the Sunday seating
  • Board and T.C. relationship – The point was made concerning legal liabilities and responsibilities
  • Amount to use for giving – The board had started and will continue the discussion on the amount of money that we can dedicate for giving.
  • The Board and T.C. meetings – The board and the T.C. got together for a second meeting on May 5th. The purpose of those meeting is to share thoughts and ideas about the sangha, not necessarily to get to decisions and action items. The discussion included: the meaning of healthy sangha and the Boards and T.C. responsibility for such; teaching of dana/giving before we get to the practical discussion on where we want to give our money; basic instruction and newcommers committee (there was a follow-up report on early Sunday Morning classes and the direction of the wecome committee); The future of Still Mountain – growth and how to seek new people.
  • Treasurer Report – Dennis
  • Checking Account – Current Balance $6,804
  • Savings Account – Current Balance $8,141
  • Retreat Account – Current Balance $3,442
  • Scholarship Account – Current Balance $3,508
  • PayPal Account $1,161
  • Total – $22,586
  • IT Report – Carol
  • Ken Gourlay has been working on improving the speed of our website and has increased storage because of the dharma talks online now.
  • The usage of the website has increased, partially because the Teachers and the Board are using Announce more frequently.
  • Both groups are learning to work together to keep the number of emails to one or two a week.
  • Teacher Council Report – Ken M

-We have been conducting self reflection to better clarify our mission in supporting the Sangha, through additional meetings, employing Carol Blotter as mentor for her perspective, and attending a one day work session with George Sanfacon to better understand how we can operate as a council of equals. We will continue to work with the output of that day, including deciding on high priority norms and expectations, enacting a group charter , taking an assessment tool, and many other topics to enrichen our impact.

-Recent activities include hosting meditation instructions a Sunday a month, recently offering a one day retreat on Right View (Karen, Hugh, and Curt) currently offering a class on Dependent Origination (Bilha), Mindfulness (Bilha) and a September and January one day retreats are planned.

-Carol Blotter has stepped back from acting as a mentor to the teacher’s council but will continue to offer her perspectives and ideas upon request.

Still Mountain Community Meetings are held on the months with a fifth Sunday of the month (except when that day is a major holiday, such as Easter). The purpose is to share news and to discuss Sangha business. Agenda items are welcome from anyone in the Sangha, including work groups, committees, the Teacher Council, and individuals. Contact the Community Meeting Committee ( with ideas or issues you would like to bring forward. This is your meeting.

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