Still Mountain

Giving Project Workgroup

Thank you to everyone who volunteered for our workgroup to mindfully assess the function of our Giving Project. We have been talking about our Giving Project for a long time. We have even had several community discussions about charitable giving as an organization. Unfortunately, we have not made much progress. …

Community Meeting Minutes, December 13, 2020 (Annual Meeting)

December 13, 2020 Minutes Vote on keeping the Sunday Sitting Zoom link on the website:  Yes Vote to elect Lisa Zucker to the Board of Directors:  Unanimous Yes Vote to elect Walter Tucker to the Board of Directors:  Unanimous Yes Annual Board Report 2020:  Accomplishments, current status 2020 Annual Teacher …

Ken Morley

I have found great benefit from Mindfulness Meditation practices and the teachings of the Buddha. My journey of self discovery began around 2003 when I was inspired by the audio book “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle, and then taking an Ann Arbor Rec & Ed Insight Meditation class, and …

Jackie Miller

The Dhamma seems to me an immersive practice of acceptance and unfolding that brings our hearts courage and freedom. I love working close to the early texts and exploring with others how these beautiful teachings come to life for us.

Jim Whiteside

Jim’s current understanding of and approach to practice are eclectic and secular in orientation. While insight meditation and mindfulness practices are his personal favorites, he believes there is no one “right” practice for everyone, or even for any given person at different times and under different circumstances. He is especially interested in learning how to apply the skills and insights gained in practice to our daily lives.