Annual Meeting December 11, 2022

Annual Meeting December 11, 2022

Our Annual Community Meeting was December 11, 2022.


Zoom host & Timekeeper – Ken M.
Zoom Co-Host – Kenneth
Facilitator – Elizabeth
Scribe – Mariko

  1. Board Report – Elizabeth
    1. Clarification of Board functions: 1) to run the business of the Still Mountain organization, 2) to listen to the sangha community for their wishes and requests and facilitate them.
    2. Annual report of working with Teachers Council: We had 4 joint meetings with Teachers Council, to reflect how we were doing, and to explore how we would be going to continue without our founding leader, David Lawson, honoring our aspirations and our mission statement, especially with the sangha to be egalitarian, transparent and inclusive.  The needs for variety of roles were explored and specified, and the process is ongoing at this point.
    3. We held a memorial service for David Lawson one year after his passing.
    4. IT:
      1. Led by Kenneth G. and Yair, with several other supportive members (Simon, Dennis, Carol B, Ken M) to hold Sunday Sitting in hybrid.
      2. Kenneth G. trained teachers to be able to post their classes onto our website.
      3. Clarified the functions of Still Social (vs Still Mountain official announcement emails).
      4. A trial of Spatial Chat, in our attempt to enhance social interactions, followed by a survey to the users.  At this point, we decided not to use it.
      5. A chrome book computer laptop was donated, to be used at Turner Senior Resource Center for Sunday Hybrid Sitting.
    5. Financial Report
      1. Stable but we need ongoing attention as our expenses have increased with the opening of the in-person sittings at Turner, and anticipating future expenses of retreats
      2. This year’s donation income: 2743.00.  Expense spent: 4300. Deficit of 1537.00
      3. Our overall state: Pay Pal account: 1070. Bank of Ann Arbor, 4 accounts. (Checking account-4277; Savings account-8029; Retreat checking account- 3400; Retreat scholarship account- 3016).  The total current asset: 19849.00
      4. P.O Box:  There was a wrinkle but is now fixed.  So, if your mail donation got returned recently, please re-submit it again.
      5. Please consider the-end-of-the-year donation.
    6. Masking issues:
      1. The board will send a survey to the sangha in January 2023 to hear your voice on this issue.
      2. Please consider several issues (protection of vulnerable members/ your preference/Turner policy/what we know through science)
    7. Gratitude
      1. To the departing board members, Walter and Lisa, for their dedicated services for the last 2 years.
      2. To all of the sangha members for your presence and support (spiritual, financial and more).
  2. Teacher Council Report – Bilha  (10 minutes)
    We have reflected the current state and made some plans to go forward
    1. Designated coordinators to oversee the next 2-5 years of visions.
      1. Classes: Mary, Bilha & Ken M.
      2. Kalyana Mitta: Mary, Karen & Ken M. Karen has started forming a new group now.
    2. Retreats:
      1. A teachers’ meeting will be held soon, to organize each member’s plans, wishes and aspirations. Then another meeting will be held with the Sangha to share and to hear their voices.
      2. An upcoming retreat will be led by Karen and Hugh.  More details TBA.
      3. Sheila Catherine retreat: August 2023
  3. Question, Answer & Discussion – Sangha
    1. Wishing to be informed of financial deficit status earlier in the year (so she could have done more).
    2. Gratitude to the boards and teachers.
    3. Jane and Judi P.’s roles for the bimonthly community meetings.
    4. How does the Board work?  We need the boards functioning as stated in Bylaws to qualify federal tax exemption as a non-profit.
  4. Election Results – Kenneth
    2 nominees for 2 open positions. Unanimously selected with 27 ballots submitted.  Sunil and Carol B.
    (One person questioned when the email was sent, as she did not get it, but was able to vote at the last minutes.)

 Next Community Meeting: Sunday February 12, 2023. Send agenda requests to the Board, Jane or Judi P.

 (Respectfully submitted by Mariko 12/11/2022)

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