Community Meeting Minutes, August 14, 2022

  1. Board report – Elizabeth 
    1. Reminder of gathering for David Lawson’s Anniversary of his death on Aug. 30th at Island Park
      For detail information go to Still Mountain’s website: Classes and Events-scroll down to calendar, August 30th and click on 5:00pm David Lawson. Bus #23 goes to Island Park.  Lisa mentioned she has David’s harmonium but unable to play it on August 30th and welcomes anyone who might want to.
    2. Encouraged participation in sangha: dana and seva-selfless service with no thought of reward or payment 
  1. Treasurer report – Lisa
    Stable finances. Zoom and Turner are regular monthly payments
    Receiving dana on regular basis
    Looking into Federal and State taxes after 31st of August.
    Scholarship account-money available for retreat.
  1. I.T. report – Kenneth G.
    1. Need someone for Sunday Zoom/Hybrid hosting. Regular assistants unavailable. 
      Lisa and Ken M may be able but others can still volunteer.
      More than one person can help with opening up and setting up room at Turner and host Meeting Owl.
      Contact Kenneth G. or Board
    2. Spatial Chat-survey sent out for opinions regarding using Spatial Chat for a month. There will be a future discussion of survey results.
  1. Teacher Council report – Bilha 
    1. John Orr will be having a Zoom retreat October 7th, 8th and 9th
      Details and registration will be available online. 
      John will give a Dharma talk open to everyone at regular Sunday sitting. 
    2. TC and Board contemplating together, options and relations of TC and Board, sangha and outside world and communication with other sanghas. Continuing to discuss main goal and how to fulfill it. 
  2. The Community Meeting Committee would like a volunteer to replace Jane who will not be continuing as member. More than one volunteer is welcomed.  Please contact the Board and/or Judi P to volunteer or learn more about the Committee.
  3. The Community Meeting Committee will not need a volunteer to take minutes October 9th since there will be John Orr’s Dharma talk then. 
  4. Other 
    1. A discussion was held regarding how could the Sangha be more social, especially with the COVID concerns. Ideas included monthly or every other month potlucks; rent a pavilion for a gathering, possibility mid-October; have a bigger room at Turner for more social distancing.
      Elizabeth mentioned that forming a social committee or holding social gatherings does not need board approval.
      It was suggested to return to this subject, possibly having it on the second Sunday of the odd months as a discussion topic. 
  5. Announcements
    1. Bilha and Ken M. will be teaching a beginning meditation class for WCC beginning Oct. 17.
    2. Mariko will be teaching a Mindfulness-Based Chronic Pain Care starting Sept. 9th at the TSRC  for ages 60+
    3. Dorothyann will be teaching a yoga class at TSRC starting early Oct. 

Still Mountain Community Meetings are held on the second Sunday of even numbered months. The purpose is to share news, and to discuss Sangha business. Agenda items are welcome from anyone in the Sangha, including work groups, committees, the Teacher Council, and individuals. Contact the Board with ideas or issues you would like to bring forward. This is your meeting. 


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