President’s Comment – “Let loving kindness prevail in every moment.”
Treasurer’s Report – Lisa Zucker
Still Mountain finances are stable at this time.
Other items —
- Shaila Catherine took over the retreat at Columbiere and returned the deposit to Still Mountain.
- Mary suggested that we keep giving dana as our savings account is low.
- Judy said that the numbers not so different for past three years.
- Lisa will arrange automatic withdrawal from BOAC for regular bills.
- Donate button is on our website as well as our post office box address
- Judy reported that Pay Pal giving is also tax-deductible.
I Technology Report — Kenneth Gourlay
- The IT Committee has been Kenneth and Yair. Stepping forward to help with the technology at Turner are Carol B., Simon, Ken M. and Dennis.
- Carol made notes for the Sunday morning Turner process.
Turner and Masks on Sunday Report — Mariko Foulk
- Turner policy: masks to be worn entering the building and optional in closed rooms with small groups.
- After discussion the Board of Still Mountain unanimously voted to continue masking in the small room on Sunday morning because mask-wearing is protection for everyone.
Board Elections Overview Report — Kenneth Gourlay
- Election schedule:
- November 1 – 30 — open nominations
- December 4 – list of names created with paragraph introductions for each nominee.
- December 11 – Community Meeting, Discussion and Voting
- Two two-year positions are open on the Board at this time.
- Lisa – Be sure to talk to the person you are nominating and get permission.
- Sunil — will receive the nominations, and then report them to the sangha.
- Walter – “I’m an at-large member ending my term. I strongly support being on the board. This is the best committee I’ve ever associated with. Very civilized and dedicated people.”
Kaliyana Mitra Groups Discussion – Mary Grannan
- This is a Teacher Council response to requests from the sangha about ways to connect.
- Participation in a Kaliyana Mitre group is an important part of our spiritual life.
- The term means “spiritual friends.”
- These are small groups with varying styles in our sangha who get together – weekly or monthly, in person or via Zoom, to discuss and support spiritual practice.
- The story of Ananda speaking with the Buddha about the importance of sangha emphasizes this need for spiritual friendship as the Buddha said such friends are the MOST important support.
- Persons present today expressing interest in joining such a group: Sunil, Anna, Dennis, Judy, Rick, Ingrid.
- Gayle offered to send Mary a three-page description of Kaliyana Mitra groups from Spirit Rock.
- Mary will reach out with further information to the sangha through Still Social.
- Sign up on the website if you want Still Social notices.
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