John Orr leaning against a rail on an outdoor porch

Online Retreat with John Orr

Online Retreat with John Orr


Friday, October 7, 2022 – Sunday, October 9, 2022    
7:00 pm – 12:00 pm


Bookings closed

Throughout our lives many of us yearn for deeper love and connection. To be truly intimate with oneself and all of life can be intimidating, especially considering the turbulence and suffering of our present world. However, there is something inside us which wishes for freedom and so we become increasingly willing to live our lives with an open heart.

A Retreat: Living With An Open Heart During Challenging Times

Many describe this as the path of love which takes courage and the willingness to live in the moment and work with pain and difficult emotions when they arise. During this weekend retreat through mindfulness and heart centered meditations we will explore and practice the Buddhas path to awakening and compassion. Open to all levels of experience.

October 7-9, 2022, from Friday 7 pm to Sunday 12 noon

  • Friday 7 pm – 9 pm
  • Saturday 9 am – 9 pm
  • Sunday 8 – 9:15 am; 10 am – 12 noon with the Still Mountain Sangha

Come join us for this opportunity to spend the weekend sharing the Dharma with beloved Buddhist teacher John Orr.  John received Theravada Buddhist ordination and training for a period of eight years while living as a monk in the 1970’s in Thailand and India.  His Asian teachers are Ajahn Chah, Ajahn Buddhadasa and S.N. Goenka. John has been teaching meditation and leading Dharma retreats at various centers around the world since 1980. After retiring from the faculty of Duke University, he recently relocated to his new home outside of Asheville, North Carolina.

Please register below.  Registrants will receive a Zoom invitation one week before the start of the retreat.  Attendees can join the regular Still Mountain sitting at 10am either through the separate Zoom link or by attending in person at the Turner Center.

This retreat is being offered on a dana (donation) basis and the teacher is not compensated for the teachings. Near the end of the retreat there will be an opportunity to offer dana to John so that he may continue to devote his energy to teaching the Dharma. Dana is the Pali word meaning generosity and acknowledges our connectedness and interdependence. Giving to others is also a gift for ourselves.

John Orr leaning against a rail on an outdoor porch

“We will develop and cultivate the liberation of mind by lovingkindness, make it our vehicle, make it our basis, stabilize it, exercise ourselves in it, and fully perfect it.”

The Buddha

Please send any logistical questions to Karen (  If you have questions about the content of the retreat, send your inquiries to John (

Note: Before you register, you must log in (click the link at the bottom of the page) if you already have an account.  You will not be able to register with an email address that you are already using with Still Mountain unless you log in first.


Bookings are closed for this event.


5 responses to “Online Retreat with John Orr”

  1. Hi,’I am trying to register for retreat w/o success. The software says I am already a member but either my username or password is wrong or I have forgotten them both,. If this is Kenneth who has been setting up zoom and the room on Sundays thank-you very much

    1. Arlene, I’m sure this is a situation many of us will find ourselves in. Please use the “Forgot Password?” button. You will get an email that will help you reset your password.

  2. Dorothy Ann Coyne

    The direction that the retreat goes from 7pm on Friday the 7th until 12pm is confusing.

    Maybe the retreat ends on 12 pm on Sunday as that would be noon.

    Is there a closing time for the Friday session??

    1. Hi Dorothy Ann,
      You’re right, the retreat ends at 12pm (noon) Sunday. The retreatants meet together from 7pm to 9pm on Friday, 9am to 9pm Saturday, and 8am to 12pm (with a break for anyone who wants to commute to Turner) on Sunday.

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