Wise Effort Retreat


Saturday, July 17, 2021    
9:00 am – 1:00 pm


Bookings closed

True happiness arises from wholesome states of mind. To nurture and sustain the mind in wholesome states we can cultivate Wise Effort and the Four Great Efforts: 1) To guard against the unwholesome from arising, 2) to abandon the unwholesome that has arisen, 3) to cultivate the wholesome that has not yet arisen, 4) to maintain the wholesome that has already arisen. This retreat will investigate these four great efforts and what motivates us to work with them. We will explore the ways in which wise effort is a necessary aspect of our sitting practice, and how wise effort helps us live with more ease and skill in our daily interactions. There will be short dharma talks and 20-30 minute sittings. We will have stretch breaks each hour (and a longer 15 minute one to give us an opportunity to get a snack before the final hour). Beginning instruction will not be offered and we welcome all those who have a mindfulness meditation practice. For further questions contact us at retreats@stillmountainmeditation.org

This retreat is offered in the spirit of dana. We look forward to sharing the Dharma with you.

Hugh Danville, Karen Mori, Ken Morley

Use the registration form below if you are interested in attending this event.  If you are a member of StillSocial you already have a login to our website!


Bookings are closed for this event.


2 responses to “Wise Effort Retreat”

  1. I see that there is an announcement on the website with the old June 13 date in small print. It would be a good idea to update the date to July 17.

    1. Hi, I definitely agree that the date there is confusing, because the announcement for the retreat went out on June 13, but the retreat itself is July 17. I will try to make it more clear.

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