About Our Community

Who We Are

Several people sitting in chairs listening to a teaching

Our community, our Sangha, is made of individuals and families, and we are based in the Ann Arbor, Michigan, area. We strive to be inclusive, open to people of all ages, backgrounds, and experience. Still Mountain is a member-driven organization governed by a Board of Directors, Teacher Council, and the Sangha at large.

We are a community of people of all ages and backgrounds practicing meditations and studying Buddhist teachings.  Our organization is based in Ann Arbor but we welcome people from anywhere in the world. It is very important for us to create a supportive, inclusive, and loving environment where each of us can explore and experiment the teachings in our own lives.

Our community revolves around weekly meditation and sharing sessions held every Sunday.  Our teachers also offer additional meditation sessions and classes every week, and we occasionally host retreats and other events.  Our offerings are given freely (the practice of dana) and are usually open to the public.

By joining us online, you will be able to log in to access parts of our website reserved for Sangha members, register for special events, connect with others via our members directory, and opt in to StillSocial, our social email group.

Teacher Council

The Teacher Council is composed of all current Still Mountain teachers.  The Council is responsible for the spiritual and educational direction of the center.

Current Teachers

Click on the name of each teacher to read their full bio or to contact them.

  • Karen Mori

    Karen Mori

    Karen began studying vipassana meditation in 2003 with the teachers of Deep Spring Center as a way to gain perspective on the anxiety she was experiencing about her husband???s illness.  The practice has been invaluable in helping her be present with the moment-by-moment arising of experience and the ever-present spaciousness inherent in our thoughts and…

  • Bilha Birman Rivlin, PhD

    Bilha Birman Rivlin, PhD

    Bilha is a long-time practitioner and teacher of insight mindful meditation, who has recently earned her PhD from the Theatre department at Wayne State University where she wrote her dissertation on the creative process and the path of transformation​. Bilha has been practicing insight Mindful Meditation and studying Buddhist teachings since 2003. For over ten…

  • Jim Whiteside

    Jim Whiteside

    Teacher Emeritus Jim Whiteside’s current understanding of and approach to practice are eclectic and secular in orientation. While insight meditation and mindfulness practices are his personal favorites, he believes there is no one “right” practice for everyone, or even for any given person at different times and under different circumstances. He is especially interested in…

  • Elizabeth Cheslak

    Elizabeth Cheslak

    Mindfulness meditation and Metta form the foundation of Elizabeth’s practice and teaching. She received teacher training at Still Mountain under the guidance of David Lawson.

  • Ken Morley

    Ken Morley

    I have found great benefit from Mindfulness Meditation practices and the teachings of the Buddha. My journey of self discovery began around 2003 when I was inspired by the audio book “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle, and then taking an Ann Arbor Rec & Ed Insight Meditation class, and teachers Susan Weir and Barbara…

  • Curt Fish

    Contact Curt

In Our Hearts

David Lawson

David Lawson

In 2014, David co-founded Still Mountain Buddhist Meditation Center and served as the spiritual leader of this sangha until his passing August 31, 2021. He is remembered for his kind and compassionate presence, his understanding and conveyance of the Buddha’s teachings, and his wise consultation providing comfort and direction to the members.  David served as a role model of mindful practice and letting go as he encountered many health related challenges in the last several years of his life.

After a few years of practice I entered teacher’s training and have since found sharing the Dharma with others provides my life with a deep joy, ease and a sense of connection with all that is. To be with others on their journey of spiritual development is, for me, a privilege that opens my heart and deepens my practice.

Mary Grannan

Mary Grannan

Mary passed December 5, 2023.  She served the Still Mountain sangha and local community for many years as a teacher, wise elder, and friend.  Mary brought a calm and joyful conviction to the truth and benefits of Buddhist teachings and meditation practice and understanding, helping others with their spiritual development. Her impact and love will always remain with us.

Board of Directors

Still Mountain is a member-driven organization governed by a Board of Directors, Teacher Council, and the Sangha at large.

The Board of Directors consists of five directors elected by the Sangha.  Meetings are attended by a liaison from the Teacher Council, and any other members of the Sangha are welcome.​​

Board Meeting Minutes: Minutes are available to members (log in to view).

Board Meeting Minutes Archive

Still Mountain Bylaws

(The Board holds the hard-copy signed Bylaws document.)

2025 members of the Board:

  • Dennis Greggio, Treasurer
  • Yair Rivlin, President
  • Phyllis Ford
  • Judi Pawloski, Secretary
  • Lisa Zucker
  • Ken Morley, Teacher Council Liaison

Community Meetings

Community meetings are held every other month, for either discussion and decision-making about organizational matters. Community meetings are held on the second Sunday of every other month, following our regular Sunday meditation.


A full list of Community Meeting Minutes is available in our Community Meeting Minutes Archive.

Ethics Grievance and Reconciliation Process

The purpose of a grievance process for the reconciliation of ethical issues is to confirm the importance of the sincere practice of lay precepts within our community. These are minimum behavioral standards that we may reasonably expect of each other.  Taken broadly and within the full range of their meaning, the precepts provide the foundation for a healthy sangha.  Complaints of violations of these standards will be taken very seriously and handled in accord with our established process.