Christmas Potluck and End of Year Social

A last-minute change!

Christmas Potluck at Turner Following Meditation and Sharing

Tomorrow’s potluck is being moved to Turner Center, instead of at the home of Bilha and Yair. Please join us after our special meditation and sharing, starting at 10:00 am. The meditation and sharing will be open to guests in person or on Zoom; the potluck will only be available in person.

Attend in person or join the Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 864 5811 2312
Passcode: 040818

End of Year Social at Turner Following Meditation and Annual Meeting

We will also be having a social gathering on Sunday, December 29, after our meditation and annual meeting. Come for the business, stay for the company! Snacks and drinks will be available, and you are welcome to bring food to share.


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