Daylong Retreat June 22 at Turner Senior Resource Center with Karen, Curt and Hugh

Daylong Retreat June 22 at Turner Senior Resource Center with Karen, Curt and Hugh

We will meditate and practice together on the theme of Right View, the first factor of the Noble Eightfold Path.  This is the foundation and the ground from which we start the investigation of the Eightfold Path.  With Right View we learn to recognize how the body, mind, and heart are interacting with this moment so we can see things as they really are. From this framework we can navigate our way through life more skillfully and make wise choices about our speech, action, and livelihood. 

The retreat will consist of short talks and periods of sitting and walking meditation held in the container of noble silence.  

Bring your own lunch.  Hot water for tea will be available. 

  • Date:  Saturday, June 22, 2024
  • Time: 9:00 am-4:00 pm.
  • Location:  Turner Senior Resource Center

Teachers:  Hugh Danville and Karen Mori. This retreat is offered on a dana basis.

For more information, email Karen at

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