Return to Wholeness: Embodying Wisdom and Love, A six-session course integrating Insight Mindfulness & Yoga teachings and practices
We are offering a 6-session classes of meditation and yoga, meeting at the Fitness Room in Turner Senior Resource Center between April 23 and June 4, 2025. The course is freely offered.
Minutes, Feb 16, 2025
Start: 11:45am Attendees, Yair, Dennis, Phyllis, Lisa, Karen, Judi P., and Kenneth G. Website design change Kenneth and Phyllis explained the changes, mostly cosmetic, to the current website. Action: Kenneth will send a link with examples of current changes to the Board for discussion and decisions. Teacher Council Report Karen presented the following information: Action:…
Standing in the Middle of the Worldly Winds
This talk was given March 9, 2025. Bibliography Lokavipatti Sutta. Anguttara Nikaya 8.6 Rick Hanson: Buddha’s Brain “Pleasure is a signal to approach an experience or object that may aid survival, but our brains can trick us into thinking that pleasure will somehow make our well-being permanent.” Lama Karma: The Wisdom of Equanimity in Global Crisis:…
An Arrow to the Heart
A Commentary on the Heart Sutra David’s Bookshelf gives us two titles to enjoy by Ken McLeod: “An Arrow to the Heart” and “Reflections on Silver River.” Be sure to crack open the pages and look into “Silver River.” It’s more approachable than the “Arrow.” If you begin to really enjoy McLeod’s innovative style, you…
The Nature of Thoughts
This Dharma talk was given on February 9, 2025. The Nature of Thoughts in Buddhist Teachings (with Some Neuroscientific Perspective) Neuroscientific research shows that: Personal Example: Thoughts Are Not Reality While guiding a meditation, I noticed a building stress in my body. I became aware of an anxious thought: “Am I using the right words?…
David’s Bookshelf holds not just books bur some wonderful DVD’s. These offerings are right on the top surface of the bookshelf. As wintertime takes you indoors treat yourself to a dharma movie. There are many good choices here. Highly recommended is “Brilliant Moon — Dilgo Kyentse” Dilgo Kyentse Rimpoche was a marvelous Tibetan teacher…
Christmas Potluck and End of Year Social
A last-minute change! Christmas Potluck at Turner Following Meditation and Sharing Tomorrow’s potluck is being moved to Turner Center, instead of at the home of Bilha and Yair. Please join us after our special meditation and sharing, starting at 10:00 am. The meditation and sharing will be open to guests in person or on Zoom;…
Community Annual Meeting Agenda
Our Annual Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, December 29, 2024. This is the meeting during which we hear from the Board and Teacher Council with their annual reports, provide input and make recommendations for future policies and programs, nominate members for the Board, and elect directors. The agenda is below. The election of new Directors…
What is Right Samadhi? Comments on Concentration in the Suttas and in the Commentaries
Introduction Over the past year we have discussed the Four Noble Truths and seven branches of the Eightfold Noble Path. We come this morning to the eighth and final limb of the Eightfold Path. This final branch is called Right Samadhi–frequently translated as Right Concentration–and it is one of the set of three limbs that…
Minutes, December 8, 2024
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Minutes, November 10, 2024
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