Not Self, No Self, Non Self: Interpretations of Anatta
Introduction The title of my talk this morning is “Not-self, No-self, Non-self: Interpretations of Anatta.” I hope this talk can serve both as a brief introduction to the topic of anatta and also as an invitation to join a discussion group on the subject that I plan to offer this fall. This group will be…
Community Meeting Minutes, August 14, 2022
Board report – Elizabeth Reminder of gathering for David Lawson’s Anniversary of his death on Aug. 30th at Island ParkFor detail information go to Still Mountain’s website: Classes and Events-scroll down to calendar, August 30th and click on 5:00pm David Lawson. Bus #23 goes to Island Park. Lisa mentioned she has David’s harmonium but unable…
Mindfulness Meditation Class
TURNER SENIOR RESOURCE CENTER This is a rare and great opportunity for those interested in learning about the health benefits of mindful meditation! Mondays – July 18, 25 and August 1, 8 10:30AM – 12:00 PM | Free | In-PersonTurner Senior Resource Center (2401 Plymouth Rd., Ann Arbor, MI) Instructors Ken Morley and Karen Mori. This free class provides…
Community Meeting Minutes, June 12, 2022
1. Treasurer report – Lisa Accounts stable. TSWC room rental was paid for October through May. It will continue now with a monthly schedule payment. Rental payment for classes will be determined. Dana mentioned with possible automatic deduction to become available. 2. Teacher Council report – Bilha Tomorrow is a monthly meeting with…
Shaila Catherine: Beyond Distraction
Shaila Catherine, founder of Bodhi Courses and Insight Meditation South Bay, speaks about the topic of her new book, Beyond Distraction.
Please join our ONLINE weekly sessions. We begin on Tuesday, May 3, 10:00 AM -11:30 AM Through meditation practices, contemplations, and interactive teachings we’ll explore how to live with inner joy and well-being in our daily life. The sessions are offered by Turner Resource Senior Center and is being led by Still Mountain teacher, Bilha…
Community Meeting Minutes, April 10, 2022
Board report – Elizabeth Still Mountain is stable in operation, guided by Vision Statement and grounded in dharma. Treasurer report – Lisa Thanks to Judi G and Walter for their help. A loose-leaf binder with the tasks and activities of…
Concentration and Insight Study Group
The CONCENTRATION AND INSIGHT STUDY GROUP will meet by Zoom Thursday evenings, 7:00 – 8:30 pm, beginning April 7 through May 12.We will read and discuss The Experience of Samadhi: An In-depth Exploration of Buddhist Meditation, by Richard Shankman. In this book Shankman discusses samadhi, frequently translated as “concentration”—including the jhanas—and vipassana, usually translated as…
2021 International Western Dharma Teachers Gathering: Notes from Teachers at Still Mountain
Still Mountain teachers present highlights from the 2021 International Western Dharma Teachers Gathering.
Concentration and Insight: Aspects of Meditation
A discussion of samadhi, jhanas, and the character of Buddhism usually taught in the West.