The Teachers’ Council is offering beginning meditation instructions prior to Sunday Sitting on a periodic basis. The instructions include mindfulness, basic focus on the breath meditation, and the importance of being as compassionate and patient with ourselves in the practice as we can. Instruction is geared mainly toward beginning meditators and newcomers to Still Mountain,…
Community Meeting Minutes from April 7th
1. Board report – Yair, President 2. Treasurer report – Dennis Previous total of all accounts $24,015 Current $22,586. 3. I.T. report – Addressed in President’s report 4. Teacher Council report – Ken M. 5. Committee Reports a. Community Meeting Committee – Judi P b. Social Committee – Arlene c. Newcomers Issues Committee report…
Basic Insight Meditation For Mindful Living
Mindfulness is a gateway to lasting personal transformation. In this class, develop mindfulness using insight and concentration meditation techniques. The class provides a kind and supportive environment for practicing and discussing these techniques. There is also a strong emphasis on cultivating the open heart as a support to experiencing the full benefits of mindfulness. All…
The Teachers’ Council is offering beginning meditation instructions prior to Sunday Sitting on a periodic basis. The instructions include mindfulness, basic focus on the breath meditation, and the importance of being as compassionate and patient with ourselves in the practice as we can. Instruction is geared mainly toward beginning meditators and newcomers to Still Mountain,…
The Second Noble Truth of the Origin of Dukkha (Suffering)
Ken Morley gave this Dharma Talk on the Second Noble Truth on March 17, 2024. What follows below is a summary of the Four Noble Truths. A followup discussion of this topic is scheduled for March 24. THE FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS For each of the Four Noble Truths, there are three aspects. The three aspects…
March 24th ONLINE only
The sangha meeting on March 24th will be via ZOOM only. Physical space will be unavailable for sitting. During this meeting we will have a discussion exploring the Truth of the Origin of Dukkha in our lives reflecting on our experience with Tanha (craving).
Still Mountain Board Meeting 3/3/2024
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Still Mountain Board Minutes 2/4/24
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As described this past Sunday (i.e., 1/21), the Teachers’ Council has been working for the past several months on a plan to reconfigure our Dharma Talks, Discussion Sundays, and Community Meetings. The impetus to make these changes came from various sources, but primarily from requests made by sangha members during the Discussion Sunday that the…
Retreat: The Middle Way, Saturday, February 3, 2024
Still Mountain is hosting a retreat on Saturday, February 3, 2024, from 10 am to 4 pm at the Turner Senior Resource Center. If you have not already registered, you may do so by booking your seat online.
Board Meeting Minutes, December 3, 2023
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Board Meeting Minutes, January 11, 2024
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